OBSERVATION: Sai Kung, located in Hong Kong’s New Territories, is plagued with very limited access from the urban areas, yet is equipped with a public pier.
SOLUTION: Provide a new ferry service between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon to Sai Kung to improve access for residents and visitors.

Access to Sai Kung from Hong Kong’s urban areas is primarily by road, and getting to this picturesque seaside community — especially during busy weekends — is often a complete nightmare for both residents and visitors alike.
Sai Kung is equipped with a public pier that currently accommodates a wide variety of Kaitos, sampans, speedboats, ferries and junks that provide daytrips to nearby islands, the Hong Kong Geopark and surrounding areas. While the concept of providing regular ferry services linking Sai Kung to the more populous urban areas has been discussed in the past, the financial viability of operating such a regular ferry service has often been cited as problematic.
Could the Government provide subsidies to a private operator — at least during weekends — to provide an alternative transportation option to and from Sai Kung that is not reliant on road access?