OBSERVATION: Most airlines pack most passengers into tiny seats within the rear 2/3 of the aircraft for a miserable flight experience, while exorbitantly priced unbooked seats in the front 1/3 of the aircraft often sit completely empty.

SOLUTION: Introduce further competition into the aviation industry by providing a new airline concept featuring uniform comfortable seating types throughout its fleet that are assigned based on passenger preferences at the time of boarding.

Could Hong Kong shake up the global aviation industry with a new concept in commercial air travel? Imagine sitting next to like-minded passengers for the first time in your life!

HONG KONG’S AIRLINES: Could Hong Kong’s Cathay Pacific adopt such an innovative strategy?
Or will a creative upstart airline offer an alternative refreshing twist on air travel?

Spending 10-14 hours on a long haul flight can feel like an eternity. Imagine creating clusters of like-minded passengers on medium to long haul flights based upon their moods just prior to boarding. More tranquil women-only sanctuary, wellness, and work/sleep zones could be clustered together at the front of the aircraft to provide harried travelers with a more calm stress-free introverted travel experience.

Passengers who feel the need to gab and socialize can be clustered at the rear of the aircraft, with enhanced beverage services as a social lubricant. The more private rear of the aircraft could provide busy professionals looking for companionship with opportunities for speed dating, socializing while in transit — and even an opportunity to join the Mile High Club in style!