OBSERVATION: Abandoned traditional villages throughout Hong Kong’s New Territories have fallen into various states of decay, many of which are in ruins and shrouded with vegetation.
SOLUTION: Rebuild and revitalize these “lost villages” for residential or tourism use — could some of these redeveloped villages become new artist’s colonies or retreats for weekend staycations?

Hong Kong’s New Territories are littered with the remains of once inhabited traditional villages which have long since been abandoned. Land ownership issues are often complex and many of these former villages lack electricity, a water supply or waste treatment facilities. Some of these crumbling villages have become major eyesores for tourists and resident hikers, and often have become dumping grounds for all manners of waste from surrounding communities.
However, could the Government — in a public-private partnership — spearhead an effort to rebuild and revitalize some of the more accessible “lost villages” to function as temporary or permanent accommodation? Could some of these forgotten villages be redeveloped into affordable artist’s colonies, or spiritual retreats to escape the pressures of urban living? Could these villages become self-sufficient off-the-grid developments using sustainable energy solutions?
Could such revitalized villages also become an important piece in the tourism jigsaw puzzle by serving as a showcase for Hong Kong’s culture, history and traditions for both residents and visitors?