OBSERVATION: Hong Kong’s MTR route planning is often a carefully guarded secret — presumably to dissuade land speculation — but there are areas which might provide logical extensions over the long term.
SOLUTION: Provide an extension of the MTR’s Island Line past Kennedy Town, connecting with Cyberport, and linking with South Horizons on the South Island Line. This could help revitalize the isolated and struggling Cyberport development, provide better access to residents on the western side of Hong Kong island, and provide a loop that allows commuters greater flexibility in travel both ways.

Could the Island and Island South MTR lines be extended past Kennedy Town and South Horizons, and joined to provide 3-4 new MTR stations serving the northwest portion of Hong Kong Island? What if new MTR stations could be provided at Sandy Bay, Cyberport and Waterfall Bay? Imagine the dramatic impact this would have on the currently-struggling Cyberport development, and convenience for residents living in this area. This would naturally increase ridership levels along the current “dead ends” of these two lines which should be of interest to the MTR Corporation.